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Supplier Uniformity

FPS 2020 Certification provides instant insight into an organizations FOD Program by creating a benchmark that must be met to receive an FPS certification.

Ease of Self-Inspection

Having all suppliers fall under a Universal Standard creates ease of self-inspection should a buyer choose to self-inspect its suppliers. Uniformity allows for quicker, more thorough inspections, because everyone will be speaking the same FOD Language and using the same FOD Identification Markings all derived from the same Standard.

Same Standard

Using the same standard throughout a supply chain means everyone is on the same page. This allows for easier movement of FOD industry trends, which will reduce FOD related events throughout the supply chain due to information sharing. Creating a “FOD Community” that learns for other’s mistakes allows for a leaner supply chain.

“FOD Community”

FOD Managers can meet and discuss what has worked and what has not worked within their own version of FPS 2020. Learning and adjusting a FOD Program to fit industry specific needs is gained from a “FOD Community”.

We do the Inspecting

We carry the load of inspecting your suppliers FOD Program. From initial to recertification we physically go to an organization and inspect/certify their FOD Program.

Because its more than a FOD Program

FPS 2020 is Lean and Six Sigma rolled into a FOD Program. Connecting the dots with these 3 concepts helps to bring down supplier costs which then be transferred to lower buyer costs.

Creating a Nimble Industry

With information transference, the industry can learn and grow at a much faster pace. Enabling the industry to garner quicker results, making the industry’s FOD Programs more reliable and productive.

Reliability Makes an Industry Stronger

Lowering FOD’s impact on the industry reduces unproductive man-hours resulting in less downtime and increased productivity.

FPS 2020

FPS 2020 is a living document built to be revised. Information gleaned from a “FOD Community” can then be used to mold an ever-evolving Standard. Creating and maintaining a user centric, comprehensive, FOD reducing, Aerospace FOD Standard, that’s the continuous goal of FPS 2020.

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