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FPS 2020 Certification Part 4: Suspension/Revocation

Because we take FOD and the FPS 2020 program seriously, when a current FPS 2020 organization fails an audit or something more egregious has occurred, a suspension or even revocation can be levied. Depending how serious the infraction is, will be the deciding factor for any action taken by FMG.

FOD Program Standard 2020 Revocation

Suspensions will be in 30 day increments, not to exceed 120 days. If by 120 days the issue(s) that brought forth the suspension have not been rectified, as proven to an FMG auditor, the suspension will become a revocation.

Revocation is permanent and the organization will no longer be eligible for reinstatement. Revocation is a last-resort option and will only be used in the most egregious of situations.

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