FPS 2020 Certification Part 3: Recertification
Recertification is necessary to ensure that the FPS 2020 standards are being continually met. This recertification also ensures the certification has continual merit and industry viability.

Recertification is conducted the same way as an initial certification. FMG will perform an on-site audit to ensure the FPS 2020 standard is still being met.
Recertification is due every three (3) years from the date of initial certification.
If there is a lapse in certification, an initial certification will need to be accomplished. Because recertifications take precedence over initial certification’s, a previously certified organization whose certification has lapsed could be without a certification for some time. Therefore, it is important for an organization to stay current on their FPS 2020 certification.
FMG will do their part in ensuring an organization does not miss their recertification by notifying them six (6) months in advance and then every month thereafter. Ultimately, it is the certified organization’s responsibility to ensure that their certification is current.