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Space Operations

Space operations take on a new meaning when it comes to FOD since these parts and vehicles operate in zero gravity environments.

FOD migration within a zero-gravity environment creates a unique problem and the only real solution is to have total tool and hardware control. Unlike aviation, something as small as the trimmed end of a cotter pin can become an issue during space operations. These small parts can migrate from a relatively benign area to a critical area because of a lack of gravity. Therefore, total organizational hardware control not only means control of what was dispensed to an employee, but the return of trimmed or broken parts. Dispensing exactly what is needed and requiring the return of trimmed pieces helps to ensure total organizational control over hardware.

Space Operations Floor

Total organizational tool control means no personal tools should ever be allowed into an FCA. Lost tools are unacceptable in this environment. A space operations FCA is too critical and sterilized for a lost tool not to be found.

Sterilization is taken to the extreme with space operations. Everything, including employees need to be documented before entering an FCA. An “Authorized to Enter” roster should be developed and maintained to ensure that only those who are required and qualified to enter an FCA are entering the FCA. ECP’s should be guarded or locked to ensure unauthorized individuals do not enter. Pens, paper, rags, etc. all need to be documented when they enter the FCA and when they leave. This creates total organizational tool control over the FCA.

Authorized Areas

Authorized Areas are used when it is vital to ensure that only certain employees enter an area and should be used in a space operations FCA. From a FOD perspective, authorized areas allow for better transparency when a FOD incident occurs. When a FOD Manager can quickly narrow down those who were in an area when an incident occurs, it gives the ability of expediency. Quickly finding a root cause allows for reducing the possibility of identical FOD issues from occurring. Authorized Areas can also highlight training deficiencies either within the FOD Program or with employee training.

Numbering authorized areas facilitates the end user experience by creating an atmosphere where it is completely clear where an employee is authorized to be.

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