FOD Walks/FOD Sweeps
A FOD walk or sweep is quite simple, yet extremely effective. FOD walks are mandatory to remove FOD from ramps, runways, low usage taxiways, manufacturing floors, etc. Vacuums, magnetic sweepers, and sweeping with a broom are highly encouraged to supplement FOD walks and sweeps.

For flightline environments, extreme care should be taken where jet engines operate. This can be parking spots, engine run pads, taxiways, etc. Anywhere a jet engine operates is a prime spot for FOD engine damage and these areas need to be swept before and after any jet engine operation.
Grounding points, mooring points or other places that can trap FOD need to be kept clean of debris and should be a high interest item for FOD walks.
FOD containment bins should be strategically placed so that when FOD is found, it can be quickly disposed of. To ensure that your FOD walks/sweeps are effective, it is vital that there are receptacles nearby for FOD to be disposed of easily.