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Hardware Control

Safetywire, nuts, bolts, cotterpins, etc. are all potential FOD and need to be tightly controlled. Several factors can undermine a successful hardware control program. The goal of any hardware control program is to have complete organizational control of issuing, receiving, and stocking of hardware.

Hardware Control Lock it Up

Prevention of hoarding or “scrounging” (where employees hold onto extra hardware for a “just-in-case situation”) creates a lack of traceability, and therefore, a lack of effectiveness in any FOD Program.

Employees should never be allowed to “pick” or take their own benchstock or hardware. This creates an atmosphere where a lack of control is a danger to a FOD program.

Hardware storage should be in such a manner that only authorized employees can enter and disperse hardware. Computer systems or a receipt system needs be used to create a log of who, what, when, how many and by whom the hardware was given.

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