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Personal Tools

Personal tools that are not accountable through an organizational tool control program are a FOD danger and should never be used in an aerospace environment. Because of a lack of accountability, a personal tool can become lost without organizational knowledge. This lack of accountability undermines any FOD program no matter how robust the program may be.

Personal Tool Control

If an organization deems it necessary for employees to use their own tools, an accountability program must be established to ensure tools are not being lost. One way to accomplish this is to have employees check out their personal tools and return them to a tool shop. This will, at least, give the organization insight into personal tool control. It is incredibly dangerous to have employees bring their own tools into an FCA without some type of accountability.

For an organization to receive an FPS 2020 certification, it must have total control over its personal tool program. The best way to circumnavigate this issue is to ban the use of personal tools.

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