FOD Management Part 2 (Awareness and Responsibilities)
A FOD Manager’s name and picture needs to be displayed in employee collection points or other prominent areas, such as break rooms, to ensure their name and identity is well known throughout the organization.

Be available to all employees.
Ensure FOD prevention is part of an organization’s operating procedure.
Develop procedures to document and perform spot checks of selected areas weekly.
Be involved in each FOD investigation and ensure corrective actions are being developed and implemented.
Document and track employee FOD awareness training.
Ensure areas such as FCA’s, ECP’s, FOD containers and other FOD areas remain well marked and are being utilized.
Keep the FOD Program simple and easily understood.
Remember that a FOD Program is a fluid program and that what worked in the past might now work in the future; stay vigilant to changes that are needed.
Work with production to ensure the FOD Program is not too cumbersome.
Create incentives and contests to keep employees engaged in the FOD Program.