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FOD Management Part 1(Overview)

A FOD Manager does not need to be a full-time position within an organization. It does, however, need to be a position within an organization. Any successful FOD program needs to have a focal point. It needs to have a leader. It needs to have someone that is being held responsible for the program’s successes and failures to ensure its continued viability.

FPS Organizational Chart

For any FOD program to be successful, organizational leadership needs to understand the importance of a robust FOD program. They need to understand that there will be certain trade-offs in supporting a FOD program. The person they choose to oversee the program needs to have a certain level of disconnect from production to be successful. If a FOD program is tied to production values, it will be destined to become nothing more than a shell of a program.

Conversely, a FOD program will create certain blocks towards production values. The technique is to find a balance. A balance between sound FOD procedures and the push of production. FOD checks will slow production, but a good FOD Manager will be able to mitigate these hurdles so as not to slow production to a point where the FOD program gets in the way.

Keeping FOD control and production in balance is the goal of FPS 2020 and its FOD Manager.

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