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FOD Controlled Area (FCA)

A FOD Controlled Area (FCA) is an area that needs to be FOD free. The FCA is where a FOD Program’s principles are applied.

An FCA is outlined by a painted red line that is clearly visible and well maintained and at least 2 inches in width. An FCA line cannot be crossed if a FOD program is to remain viable. Entry Control Point’s (ECP’s) provide entrance and exit into the FCA. The FCA is, literally and figuratively, the line that FOD cannot cross.

FCA Example (Hangar Floor)

Anyone who enters the FCA needs to be aware of their FOD responsibilities and must have some type of training/briefing before entering. The FOD Manager is responsible to ensure everyone who enters the FCA is properly trained/briefed.

The responsibility of FOD training and briefing can be delegated to Supervisors and FOD Advisors to ensure training is conducted in a timely manner. Ultimately though, the responsibility of employee FOD training is the FOD Manager’s.

Anything that is required to be FOD free needs to stay within the confines of an FCA. If a FOD controlled item leaves an FCA, a FOD inspection must be accomplished by an authorized individual prior to the item returning to the FCA. Although this inspection usually falls with quality assurance, the FOD Manager will make the determination as to who is authorized to conduct the inspection. Inspections must be documented and this documentation must be maintained by the FOD Manager.

The FCA is the FOD epicenter of a FOD Program, and it should be treated as such. When one enters the FCA they should be FOD aware. Therefore, it is vital that the FCA is clearly marked. These markings help employees to remember that they are stepping into a sterilized environment and that great care needs to be taken when they are inside the FCA.

Lastly, an FCA can be anywhere. They are not only designated to manufacturing and hangar floors. They can be in a delivery truck, a part storage area, anywhere a FOD controlled item is located.

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