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Turn FOD control into increased production values.

In the aerospace industry you need to have a FOD Program, but a FOD Program doesn't need to be a negative production value.


FOD Programs were always built with one factor in mind, reducing FOD. Production values were never factored into a program. A FOD Program was simply was a way to reduce FOD and if it got into the way of production, that was the way it was.

This mindset has a serious flaw, they don’t help production, they hurt it. This means that most FOD Programs are a shell of themselves. They were built with the best of intentions, but they failed because they were a hindrance to production.  

FPS 2020 changes this mindset. Built by those who have worked with FOD Programs, it takes wasted effort out and inserts production opportunities.


We all need a FOD Program, it's time to make a FOD Program that works with production instead of against production.

FPS 2020 was built with a conscious effort to balance FOD control and production values.

Believing that it is possible to balance the two led to the revolutionary breakthrough that is FPS. Starting with a user-friendly FOD Program and coupling it with Six Sigma and Lean concepts means that not only will your organization have a better FOD Program it will have one that increases production value.


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